For Brother printer installation, it is necessary to make a wifi connection with the router first. Save your router’s SSID
Category: Blog
How to setup wifi repeater
Wifi repeater devices come in 3 ways. One of them is external devices sold as wifi repeaters. The second one
Increase wifi speed ( wifi channel setting and others..)
You can increase your wifi speed by changing your wifi channel. Modems signal in the 2.4 and 5 GHz band.
How to setup Guest Network
Guest network access is a cost-effective way to provide visitors with wireless internet service. It is also important in maintaining Tenda Wifi
Setting the router to access the internet Step 1 Connect devices. Power on the router using the power adapter Plug
Zyxel has multi-purpose modems. Zyxel has modems with VDSL, ADSL, Business, Router, Wireless AC Router, Wireless Extender, Network Adapters, Network
How to Change WiFi Password?
Today, many internet users prefer wireless connection, unlike wired connection. Wireless connectivity has many advantages for users. The first one
192.168.l.l WEB Android & İOS
Kullanmakta olduğumuz internet bağlantısı ile alakalı olarak yapacağımız işlemlerin hemen hemen hepsini 192.168.l.l IP adresi aracılığı gerçekleştirme olanağımız mevcut olmaktadır. Admin admin panel is one of the IP addresses which allows you to moderate your modem settings. In worldwide, most
Default IP addresses are the accession points for administration panel that is used to manage network connections. There are few